
Dr Jason Dale's PolarFinder is a great utility to help with polar alignment using a polar scope.

You can download it here.

One minor problem is that recently polarscopes are being supplied with a new, much more finely engraved reticle. This allows more accurate alignment, but 'translating' from Polarfinder to the new system can be confusing as it has 72 divisions instead of 24!

The fix is to download the new reticule file below:

New Style Reticle

Open your existing PolarFinder folder and rename the existing 'reticle.bmp' as 'reticle.bak', then copy the new 'reticle.bmp' file into the polar finder folder.

It should then work as before, but with the new display.

Happy polar-finding!

A screenshot of the new PolarFinder reticle:

Screenshot of the new PolarFinder reticle

Category: Astrophotography