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On 1 November 2015, most of the UK was shrouded in persistent mist and fog. The mist was very even and created unusually suitable conditions for solar imaging without special equipment, while the sun was still reasonably high in the sky and the seeing was good.

NOTE: These were exceptional conditions, do not try to directly observe or photograph the sun without specialist equipment.

This image is a stack of 26 images:

The sun showing three major active regions on 1 November 2015

The sun showing three major active regions on 1 November 2015

This is a version with the active regions labelled:

Key diagram for active regions on 1 November 2015

Key diagram for active regions on 1 November 2015

And this is a close up of Active Region AR12443, note how the sunspots have a dark central region surrounded by a less dark outer zone. they are much cooler than the rest of the sun's surface (but still hot enough to melt steel in a flash!):

A close up of the sunspots in AR 12443

A close up of the sunspots in AR 12443